
Carteret County Wildlife Club (CCWC) members participate in a variety of activities. All outside activities are weather-dependent. If you would like to participate in a trail work team or have any questions at all, please contact

CCWC’s Calendar (click on the calendar above) gives details of events and activities. Scroll through the previous and upcoming months.

Looking Ahead

December 2024/January 2025. U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has asked for assistance to replace about 300 feet of broken boardwalk on the Weetock trail with materials they will provide.  Volunteer labor needed.

Fall-Winter 2024. Meetings between the USFS and N.C. State Parks for USFS project to replace approximately 1 mile of boardwalk from NC-101 to Flybus Rd. on the Neusiok trail in Fiscal Year 2025. Volunteer labor needed.

January-September 2024 Events

Tuesday 9-10-24 monthly meeting. Guest speaker Page Turner, a conservation coordinator with the N.C. Wildlife Federation (NCWF), spoke about NCWF's mission as well as the joint NCWF/Coastal Federation habitat restoration project beginning to get underway off US-24. 

Saturday 8-31-24, eight CCWC members and one visitor paddled on the White Oak River from US-17 to Dixon Fields Landing in the Croatan National Forest.

Saturday 8-17-24, Keith Rittmaster, director of Bonehenge Whale Center, Beaufort, provided a behind-the-scenes tour about marine animals to CCWC members.

Tuesday 8-13-24 monthly meeting. Guest speaker Ralph Tramontano transported us to the sights and sound of frogs than can be seen and heard in Croatan National Forest.

Saturday 7-13-24, in the misty rain, four volunteers helped clear deadfalls along the Weetock trail. 

Tuesday 7-9-24 monthly meeting, guest speaker Deanna Noble, conservation biologist with NCWRC (N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission), discussed “Living with Wildlife.”

Tuesday 6-11-24, outdoor cookout at a CCWC member’s home on the Newport River.

Friday 5-17-24 - Sunday 5-19-24, CCWC group campsite for two nights at Merchants Mill State Park, NC. Campers enjoyed nature, friendship and group kayaking/canoeing on Saturday.

Tuesday 5-14-24 monthly meeting, guest speaker Katerina Ramos (N.C. Wildlife Federation Red Wolf Education and Outreach Coordinator) presented a lively discussion of the endangered Red Wolf.

Sunday 4-28-24, paddle at 11 am on Brices Creek (out and back), followed by spring fish fry.

Wednesday 4-24-24, volunteer CCWC members introduced elementary school students on how to identify animal scat at Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center’s Earth Day program on Harkers Island, NC.

Tuesday 4-16-24, volunteer CCWC trail work team members installed one new fire ring and one picnic table at each of the three shelter sites on the Neusiok Trail.

Tuesday 4-9-24 monthly meeting, guest speaker Shawn Banks, of the N.C. Extension specialist Carteret County reviewed gardening to attract beneficial wildlife.

Sunday 3-17-24, Flanners Beach hike.

February-March 2024, eight CCWC volunteers built a “puncheon” over a wet area on the Weetock trail.

February-March 2024, the Tuesday trail work crew replaced nearly 120 planks at Neusiok trail bridges as well a roof panels at Blackjack shelter on the Neusiok trail.

Saturday 2-17-24, Weetock trail work, improving some trail crossings over small wet areas.

Tuesday 2-13-24 monthly meeting, guest speaker Manley Fuller of the N.C. Wildlife Federation (NCWF) spoke about the benefits of CCWC affiliation with NCWF.

Sunday 1-14-24, Weetock trail hike and picnic at Haywood Landing.